Set Yourself Apart From the Competition with Customer Service
One of the easiest (and most effective) ways for real estate agents to set themselves apart in a…
Improve Your Organization Skills in 3 Steps
The real estate industry is built on details. Even a small mistake can have huge legal consequences. Clients…
Best Secondary Cities for Real Estate Agents
If you’re a real estate agent working in a smaller city or metropolitan area, you’re in luck. Home…
5 Steps to an Improved Company Culture at Your Brokerage
How would you describe your real estate business? Would you start with the people who work there? The…
Real Estate Teams: How to Solve Conflict
For experienced agents, putting together a team can add leverage and energy to an existing real estate business.…
7 Ways to Stand Out from the Crowd with Your Real Estate Branding
The National Association of Realtors (NAR) says that the majority of homebuyers consider the internet as the best…
How to Protect Yourself and Your Clients with the Statute of Frauds
You have heard this phrase thrown around for years. You may have said it yourself. You may believe…
Delegation 101 for Real Estate Agents
Delegation. Have you stayed far away from the word because you just don’t have the time or money…
How to Network on the Weekends
You may be fully booked with open houses and showings this upcoming weekend, but take a look at…
How to Build Long-Lasting Relationships as a Real Estate Agent
The real estate profession is and always has been a people business. People do business with people they…
Top 10 Cities for Real Estate Jobs (2019)
You can search online and find many articles about the best places to be a real estate agent. If…